Heaps Normal Series A Note

Want a beer?’ my mate asked.

‘Can’t,’ I replied, looking wistfully at the ice cold can he held outstretched to me. ‘We’ve got training tomorrow’

Athletes always have health and performance top of mind. And we aren’t the only ones. Aussies are becoming more and more health conscious - young adults are drinking LESS than any other generation before. But we still love a beer as much as most Australian’s and that’s why we are excited to invest in Heaps Normal – Australia’s leading non-alcoholic beer (that legit tastes like the real thing!)

Congratulations and welcome to the AV family Andy, Pete, Ben, and Jordy.

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From left to right: Heaps Normal co-founders Jordy Smith, Andy Miller (CEO), Pete Brennan, and Ben Holdstock.

Andy used to lead marketing at Young Henrys – scaling a number of craft beers. Ben is a professional brewer, creating the secret recipes of many beers you know and love. Pete has a background in building consumer product businesses. And Jordy, as a pro surfer, acts as the team’s ambassador on the global sporting stage (we may have to sign him up to Athletic Ventures too!) 

The Heaps Normal founders are on a mission to change drinking culture, and as athletes that’s a mission we are proud to stand behind. 

Any company would find it tough to launch in during a pandemic. It’s even harder for brands that rely on social situations to distribute and promote their product. With impressive tenacity, the founders launched Heaps Normal in July 2020 and 12 months later are the number one independent non-alcoholic beer in the country. They also picked up a gold medal at the World Beer Awards too as the country winner in the non-alc category.

With consumers demanding more of the product (they’ve sold out twice), distribution partners including Dan Murphy’s, BWS, and Liquorland have all signed contracts to stock the product. And it’s not just Australian’s enjoying the product, they’ve already launched in Asia where the quirky brand is resonating with a population where alcohol is not nearly as engrained in the culture. 

We know that non-alcoholic drinks are a growing market – it’s at $10bn now and will reach $36b USD by 2030. We also know that non-alcoholic drinks aren’t just for non-drinkers. They are for athletes, women who are pregnant or breast feeding, health conscious individuals, those that value their performance and can’t afford a hangover… and of course those that just love a great tasting beer. 

The athletes of Athletic Ventures backing HeapsNormal – including players such as Nat Fyfe, Toby Greene, Cameron Murray, Rachael Haynes, Dane Haylett-Petty, Darcy Moore and Josh Kelly – couldn’t be prouder to be on this journey.

“Create your own normal”. Heaps Normal. 

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